Domestic Violence
and Injunctions
Domestic violence can be a very serious situation. If you are involved in a domestic violence case, your rights must be protected, and the right attorney on your side can make all the difference.
The future of you and your family depends on dealing with the situation in a straight forward and effective way.
Our law firm can help resolve your family violence, battery, intimate partner violence or spousal abuse case. Not only are criminal charges a potential, but separation from your residence, revocation of concealed weapons license and prohibition of possession of firearms or weapons may be conditions imposed on a defendant or respondent.
In addition to representing defendants accused of criminal domestic violence, William J. McClellan provides for representation for victims of domestic violence.
Examples of domestic violence may include the following, or other unwanted behavior.
Hurting you physically – slapping, hair pulling, strangling, hitting, kicking, grabbing, excessively squeezing or shaking, twisting your arms, burning you, or intentionally injuring you in any way.
Using your children against you.
Calling you names and hurting you emotionally.
Harming your pets.
Acting with extreme jealousy and possessiveness.
Isolating you from family and friends.
Threatening to commit suicide or to kill you.
Controlling your money.
Withholding medical help.
Stalking you.
Demanding sex or unwanted sex practices.
Hiding assistive devices.
Minimizing the destructive behavior.
Threatening to “out” you if you are Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, or transgender.
Controlling you with “that certain look in their eyes” or certain gestures.
Contact William J. McClellan
An attorney can help victims of domestic violence by educating them about the process of obtaining a personal protection order (PPO) that requires the alleged abuser to stay away from the person requesting the PPO. William J. McClellan is available to help clients expedite the process of obtaining a protection order.
A person who is a victim of domestic violence or reasonably believes they are in imminent danger of becoming a victim of domestic violence can request an injunction for protection against physical abuse. These petitions may be filed by family members, household members, and spouses who share a child. We have experience filing petitions for protection and defending clients against false petitions filed against them.
Contact William J. McClellan
Whether you are the petitioner or the respondent in a domestic violence action, call us today for a free initial consultation. Do not delay. Hearings are often set within 14 days.